Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day
Vacation Fun

January 21, 2009

Swimming with Schleps

Just a quick note regarding Tuesday night's swim...it sucked. It was hard (which is good) and I suffered (which is also good - but my own fault). Not enough sleep the night before, poor nutrition throughout the day, not enough water....I can keep going. But a distance workout in the pool....how I love thee.

It would appear that distance workouts to others mean the opportunity to slack off and not have to "try" so hard to make the intervals because they're allowed to shorten the distance swam if they can't make the interval....I, being of uber-competitive nature, do not miss intervals unless it is absolutely necessary.

It was further discovered that I was the only one swimming the distances (or in a couple cases my best guess of the distances as I'm pretty sure I swam an extra 50yds at least once - or three times). Every time I finished a "set", we left on the next "top"....so I'm not positive I was making the 12min intervals, but I do know I wasn't getting more than 1:00 rest. And for the schmucks that were "done" while I still had 100yds left....you should have been swimming further. And that's where I started to get irritated.

I totally understand people not being able to make intervals - I really do! I'm also aware that I'm an above-average swimmer and thus more likely to make certain intervals. I'm also acutely aware of my abilities in distance swimming, I'm consistent as the damn alarm clock and can comfortably hold the same tough speed for LOOOOOOOONG times, but make me go short and fast and I become a bit squirrely.

Anyway, I do understand not making times due to ability. But I expect everyone to be suffering on the same level of suffer in the pool. When I'm out front by more than 2 body lengths AT THE FIRST TURN, your ass needs to push harder. So, the workout was run on when I finished the 800, since I was apparently swimming the furthest. I'm ok with that, too, because I'm going to go ahead and have faith that we were all suffering while we were swimming - regardless of the amount of rest. (But I'm also patting myself on the back and saying I got the most out of the workout....schlepping bastards.)

400 WU
800 on 12:00 - even pace (works out to 1:30/100)
800 on 12:00 - 300/200/300 R :05 b/w
800 on 12:00 - 400/400 R :10 b/w
800 on 12:00 - 200/400/200 R :05 b/w
800 on 12:00 - 4x200 R :05 b/w
200 CD
4600 yds total

Haven't swam that much in one sitting since high school. Good burn. 1:10 total time....maybe 1:15. There was no horsing around. 1 hour postal swim this weekend...shooting for just shy of 2.4....maybe. Intending to break it down into 20min sections just for sanity to know where I'm at....would be nice to keep some hydration in there, too. Will be nice to not count. 5mi tempo run tonight (wed) - maybe a bit of core/strength work. Gross.

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