Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day
Vacation Fun

January 27, 2009

Fuzzy sweaters...

....they are cute on the hanger. They are warm. They are functional. They are on sale if you're good. They even may look cute on, but they are a complete and total pain in the ass. I am spewing all of these blue-green fuzzballs into the air and basically covering everything I touch in said fuzz too! I've even got the crap in my eyes! I know it gets better, you just have to wear the sweater a few times, wash it a few times, yada yada yada...but I might lose my mind between now and then!

This damn sweater that you see on the right is currently kililng me. I got a great deal on the thing - which TOTALLY makes it worth it - and it looks pretty good and is actually comfy (minus a slight itching, remedied by a comfy shirt under - should be ok once washed). SO I'm a winner, but I'm dying....I've currently got fuzz stuck in my throat.

Friday's sweater was dark green, I was pulling green fuzzballs off my desk chair (with my white blazer - while other people were picking them off of me) all day long yesterday. I must try to remember this - the fuzz-shedding - that's going on now when choosing tomorrow.

I'm so ready for summer. We're expected to drop about 5 - 7 in. of snow over the rest of the day and tonight. We got robbed last night, though, and got nothing. The one time living further north was beneficial. As it's already gnarly-looking outside and people are already leaving and driving like idiots...I don't hold out as much faith for the evening rush hour. I've decided to stick around and try to go to swim practice, might as well let the rest of the idiots go home early.

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