Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day
Vacation Fun

January 13, 2009

My embattled industry...

Very few people understand how a car is built and how or why it runs, yet they insist upon driving - so why does it surprise us that they feel entitled to health insurance yet do nothing to understand how it works or why it costs?

I will fight tooth and nail to save my job and my industry because it really is in your best interest that we exist. We are not solely out to screw the public and swindle you out of your hard-earned money. We, as brokers, are trying to negotiate the best deals on your behalf, protect you from being swindled by the physicians and the insurance companies, and ensure that your company can still provide you insurance at the lowest possible cost for the highest possible return. And no, the insurance company is not the bad guy. It's not their fault that the majority of people happen to be fat, lazy and getting sicker. Yes, as you get sicker and incur more claims, your rates have to go up - you cost them more and there does need to be some profit to keep the company in business. I highly doubt that in your business you work for free, correct? It only happens to be hugely profitable because we as a public are hugely sick. The insurance company, believe it or not, is also negotiating the best deals on your behalf, often reducing the prices charged by doctors by about 30 - 50%, and that is why networks exist.

Wow, I can go on about this one for days. If anyone would like to know more, has any questions or wants to spar, just let me know. I can't promise to not get defensive - I'm not threatening your salary, please try to remember that - but I can promise to consider all opinions and educate in response to the best of my ability.

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