Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day
Vacation Fun

June 15, 2009

Solid Weekend....

Good training stuffies. I was a tad bit of a slacker late last week, but old habits die hard. I'm trying to turn the bus around....

Friday - 5x800 - that's a bit of a misnomer to say it that way, because it wasn't a track workout. I just took my normal 6miler from my house to the north end of the Monon and back and put the intervals in it - figuring if I usually run about 10min/mile, to run an 800 would put me at about a 5:00 effort, with about 2:30 rest jog in between. If it clocks correctly, I'd have about .5mi leftover on the way home to cruise. The good news: it worked out just about perfectly and I took the extra time to schlep a bit. I did all the intervals and put in some solid efforts. The bad news: it didn't feel that spunky. In fact, it kinda hurt. Day 1 of the prednisone had my heart rate WAY high (combined with the lack of running activity/effort in awhile) so that was a bit tough to deal with, plus it was a tad muggy and just a tough run. Got a side stitch that almost brought me to my knees. Note to self: figure out why in the hell I get those with high effort levels!!!

Saturday - 3:38 ride, 62 miles. The Tour de Cure ride for the Amer. Diabetes Assoc. Turned out to be a blast. Started at the Speedway, went up to and through Z'ville then back down. Had a couple of decent little rollers in it and way too many SAG stops. We took two quick breaks at the SIHO supported stop to say hit to Cheryl and chat for a bit. The overall pace was pretty chill and we were having fun. Rode with Tanya and raised a little bit of money. Good times. Nothing too overwhelming.

Sunday - 10mi run - 1:51, 2k yd Swim - :36. Long run in mega humidity. We ran AROUND a rainstorm (north as it came in, south as it was leaving) and managed to get a little damp for the last few miles, which helped keep it a bit cool and clear some of the muggy out of the air. Run felt kinda wonky - not really settled until about 3-4mi in. But the pace was super easy. I can tell I haven't been running much, legs are heavy and things are creaky, but that'll come back fairly well I suppose. Need to keep an eye on the left achilles - it was hurting almost all the way through the run yesterday, not sure if that's attributable to Sat bike or Fri run, but it wasn't that comfy. Did seem to loosen up a bit, or other things just started to hurt too. Need to also figure out the stomach again....not happy. Altogether - not a bad deal. Finished with little pressure and had a good time. Saw Dan and another on bike patrol - didn't even recognize us....putz. But they did look quite crisp in their little shorts and polos. Went to the gym (outdoor pool was closed due to the storm) and just glided through 2k, nice and easy just stretching and staying conscious of form and stroke. Catch still feels good and rotation, but I may be a little too long and stretched out when it comes to game time. Need to get out in the OW to judge. Need to get back to practice, too. LAZY!!!!

This upcoming wknd is the EC sprint. I despise the race but it's usually fun. Cookout afterward. Maybe I can just let loose and actually run. Should be some fun people there at least! Would like to focus on the swim and the run - just get through the bike and not wreck and avoid the crazies. Track workout on Thursday, too. Tanya's going to slave-drive me through it....I'm sure I'll cry for Mommy.

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