Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day
Vacation Fun

June 18, 2009

My 1st Track Workout

And I ran like hell!!! I actually put my head down and ran. I also spent considerable time during this suffer-fest trying to figure out HOW exactly one runs well. Tanya says my run form doesn't look back - but every now and then my arms come up or my leg goes wonky. And let's not forget that I have this weird spot on both feet where my shoes hit each other?! And add to that apparently when I run fast the little chubby spots on the inside of my knees hit every now and then....I'm just a running mess. But I did the darn track workout!

And the shock of it is that it didn't feel that bad. I suffered a bit on the last couple of intervals, but ran the whole thing at the goal pace or faster. Tanya says the form looked ok (as she wheezes and gasps and leaves the inhaler at home) and solid, so I'll take it. She also is working on beating it into my head that I'm stronger than I think I am as a runner - I just have to learn to fight through it a little bit more. Embrace the running pain....blah...sort of like shooting myself in the foot to forget that my back hurts....but it was a positive experience, this track workout.

Originally designed to be 6x800 - we tweaked it around a bit in mind of the sprint race coming up. We walked equal distance between the intervals (or 400 b/w the 800's) as well. All intervals were done at 8:00/mi pace.

1mi WU
2x200 (200 walk)
2x400 (400 walk)
2x800 (400 walk)
2x400 (400 walk)
2x200 (200 walk)
1 mi CD (this was the most painful part....)

The whole experience took like 1:15 or something, so we weren't exactly blazing, but it did feel good, it was muggy as HELL and we did suffer duly. And there was a nice boy there that was entertaining, as well as some kicking practice, and a father/daughter training session. Fun stuff. Back at it next Thurs for Version 2.

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