Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day
Vacation Fun

June 12, 2009

Hmmm..me thinks I have it wrong

I've got this "sensible eating" thing a little off-kilter. Had to eat breakfast in order to be able to take the Prednisone to get right of the itching (poison ivy - LOOOOONG story there). I try to eat something for breakfast every day. I also try to get a snack in around 10-10:30a just to keep things going. Inhaled the breakfast (cereal) around 8:15, popped the pills and ate the banana in the car. Got to work and we had a new vendor-guy in here today and he brought us some treats while speaking of his product. So....the Paradise Bakery Cinnamon Roll "snack" at about 9:30 didn't really follow the protocol.

I'm sure the few beers I'm planning on drinking this evening won't exactly help the cause either. But it's Game 7 of the Cup finals. GO WINGS!

I also plan to throw in yesterday's skipped run between work and hockey as well. At least I'll be earning my beer, even if it is a day late. I'll throw in some extra swimming this weekend (as that's what I'll be "missing" today). Jeebus I need to pull my head outta my ass as far as this "training" thing goes. I start out with the best of intentions and then right when the season starts I always seem to jump (not fall - a headlong, sprinting LEAP) off the wagon and just screw up the rest of the season by being lazy. GRUMBLE. I'm sick of being a 'tard when it comes to this stuff. I can tell other people how to get in shape and what to do and how to be sensible, but I can't follow my own plans. URGGGG. Need to make some slight lifestyle changes to BE the person I WANT to be. (I'm such a broken record...I've been saying this for about 5 years now.)

Oh, and I graduated high school over 10 years ago. Comparatively, I'm not doing bad. SO....it's the little victories. GO WINGS.

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