Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day
Vacation Fun

January 21, 2010

A swim, run, core, suffer....

Tuesday was the club kick-off meeting for the year. Good turn-out, some interesting conversation. Stoked to get this year rolling and see what happens with the group workouts and races....now if only the region would be the MERCRS schedule done....amazes me why RDs don't do everything they can to have their race dates up and out by now....most everyone is either in the process of planning their seasons RIGHT NOW or has already done so. I may stick one or two in somewhere, but basically what I'm looking at right now is what I'm going to go with....if it's not posted yet, it probably won't be fit in....sorry 'bout ya. (Now, if the people organizing a wedding would commit to a date I could actually feel more secure in my decisions...but soon..) Anyway...we just keep saying "Should be out in the next week or so...."

Swam a bit after the meeting - PW, NC and I...the HP team is still ramping up for the Hour Postal, which I'm not going to be able to attend at the HP (DAMN) which means we're just doing workouts of stupid distance with not much rest. All good and well, especially given the time of year, but I just don't feel like doing that much yardage (4100) at this point in the evening with this little rest....so we jockeyed around the workout a bit. Did 3000yds in broken 800's. Nice, not too hard, but still a workout. Stroke is coming back around - especially when swimming relaxed. Even managed a couple of decent sprints - though slightly flailing - in effective times. Yay.

Ran last night (Wednesday) back at the gym. Just a moderate run of never-ending proportions. Ever have that moment on a treadmill where you can't tell how long it's been or what day it is anymore?? Like a hamster....treadmills annoy me but whatever. Pushed through 4mi (4.7 when all was said and done) and actually had my HR behave a bit...around 170 comfortably while running. Suffered through some core work afterwards.

I can't really tell a difference looking at my body or the scale, but I'm starting to feel a bit stronger and a bit more coordinated when I'm doing these things. My body is slowly and surely remembering how to run a bit (though I was getting some twinges in my left shin and right knee while running) and the flexibility is a bit more than it was a few weeks ago. So these are good things. I'm building good patterns and sleeping well at night. I'm happy and healthy and life is just freaking good.....

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