Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day
Vacation Fun

January 19, 2010


So a nice little run at the gym, eh? And a bit of weights too, just for fun. Since I'm trying to do this type of thing consistently I should kinda try to be consistent about it - whether or not I have supervision and/or entertainment. So Monday....I get home fairly early from an "appointment" (thumbs up on the new place, ps....) and figure I might as well get the job done. I hem-hawed around the house a bit and finally just decided to quit being a wimp and GO!

I wanted to run about 3...nothing too strenuous, nothing too serious, just putting in some time on the treadmill. One plan says 30-40min "easy recovery run", one plan says 3mi at a stupidly slow pace. I figure I'll just go with the flow. I hop on the treadmill - after narrowly escaping having to throw-down to claim the machine from LA Fitness Barbie - and start my little warm-up walk. Easy-peasy, after 5min I ease into the 5.5mph easy jog. I bumped that to 5.7 after awhile - I just almost hurt on a treadmill at 5.5mph. 5.7 is more comfy and almost that pace where I can just chug along forever. But what's that you say? The body feels good? Let's go then a bit....bumped up to 6.0 for awhile and then finished with a couple minutes at 6.2. I was chugging at the end - that's not exactly a really comfortable pace after about 35 minutes or so. But, it felt good to put in some quality effort, to focus down on my form for a bit and just not think. I was a sweaty beast, but I think I ran the pants off of Barbie, who was a few machines over....

I eyed the weight floor with trepidation and an annoyed smirk for awhile as I walked to TRY to get my heart rate down from the ceiling (I was at 191bpm when I stopped running...looks like true-to-form my HR is still really high when I run...) - the meatheads were lifting in full force. I just don't really enjoy the meathead mentality...I'm sure they're GREAT guys, but the parade around and talk to all the chicks, work your shoulders for hours with toothpick legs...really? I just don't have much patience for them. ESPECIALLY when they're sitting/resting/taking up space on the ONE machine I want to start with....leg extensions. So I jumbled around the whole process and lifted, being ogled a bit and stared at a bit and just in generally made a bit uncomfortable. Not sure if I was overcompensating a bit but I lifted harder (re: more weight) than I have been (not a bad thing) and just suffered a bit. It felt good to know that I'm doing something proactively, by myself, to not only show up this year but possibly even improve my abilities.

Remember....the key word is CONSISTENCY.

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