Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day
Vacation Fun

November 9, 2008


I'm writing this early, but it'll post at some point tomorrow while I'm out on the course. Just taking a second to revel in how amazing this journey has been and how blessed I am to even attempt this thing. I've gotten so many text messages over the past couple of days (which makes me wonder if anyone but Gar and I are actually reading this) and it's so touching to know how many people remembered. (Yes, I understand it's all many of you have heard about for awhile...so I'm sorry for that, too.)

You are all such wonderful friends and I am so lucky. Thank you.

Again, if all goes well, I'm hoping to have accomplished this huge feat by about 8-ish local-time (11p EST). Whether I am actually done by then or not, I'm so thankful for the opportunity to even attempt this. Walking among the Challenged Athletes out here (Vets that have lost a limb or been otherwise gravely injured and have persevered and are competing here with the rest of us schmucks) it really puts things into perspective. How lucky we all are, how blessed and how amazed we should all be at the Master Plan. Thank You, for the opportunity, and thank the rest of you for the support.