Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day
Vacation Fun

March 14, 2009

Damn Mini Runners

I've decided the mini runners are a pain in my ass. Actually, it's still a great event that keeps sucking more and more people into a healthier lifestyle, and I'm cool with that. Whatever it takes - if they're out and moving just becuase it's in their backyards or someone guilted them into it, I'm cool with that....lazy bums. Ha.

But, back to why I have an issue with them...they're in my way. And they run fast. Well, some of them walk, but they're still moving at a good clip and they're still in my way. And here's the kicker of what's really driving me crazy....their LONG run, is my SHORT or TEMPO run....ARGH. Any idea how discouraging that is? To watch these gazelles shooting by on either side of you while you trudge along (or struggle to catch up with the walker with the wiggly hips up ahead) and to know (but not be able to screech in an alarmingly high-pitched voice) that you're going TWICE as far as they are? It's not consoling, I tell ya. It's not reassuring at all to know that you, in one long run on a random Saturday, are running further than their entire race. All that's known is that they keep passing you, like gazelles, on either side, like it's easy. Bastards. It is, however, oddly comforting when you see one working much harder than they should be. It's like my little inner bitchy voice gets to snivel and point and say HA! Not so easy now, is it pal? Bet you couldn't keep THAT up for 14 miles...eh? eh? Yeah, I'm that low. When I'm running, I get enjoyment out of others' suffering. Where we go one, we go all.....

But I digress. Clearly went on a long run on Saturday, left from Rhorer Rd on the Monon...just ahead of the pack running from the Running Co North and ran smack into the crowd running north from the Running Co - BRip. A couple of the North gazelles caught us. Little did I know it was a notion of things to come....

Turned out to be a not-too-bad run. Fell apart in the last 1.5 - about 1.5 further than I had previously run, thereby securing forever Jen's theory on the "new distance" wearing of the soul. We'll see how the additional 2 go next week. Most likely nothing but pain and misery from 14 - 16.

So....final tally was 14.2 at around 2:35 I think...I hurt too bad to pay much attention when she rattled off the time. I'll still take it.

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