Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day
Vacation Fun

August 10, 2010

I miss...

I just miss C & my dogs. I miss smiling around the house & snuggling watching tv. I miss rushing home for bike rides & coming in stinky from a run or exhausted from a long swim. I miss being picked on. I miss doing these random things & drinking beer with my best friend(s). I miss being the person with too much to do in my social life to fit in too much work in my career. I miss being who I want to be & who im supposed to be instead of who I have to be. I'm promising to be a better girlfriend, roommate, best friend, lover (don't tell Mom), athlete & maybe a little worse coworker....in that order...I hope everyone is ok with that. If not, find someone else who will give up happiness for career. It's not worth losing it to me, if I can't do it with the person/people I love with me, it's not worth doing. I can't undo this move, but I can undo the working too much & ruining the beautiful life I have.

I love too much to let this happen to me again. I'm promising to be present & do what it takes to get back to early May.

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