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Picture of the Day
Vacation Fun

March 23, 2010

Health Reform Rant - you were warned

Warning: This is a rant. This is me, on my blog, voicing my opinion, on something that's chapping my ass. You don't like it, pick a fight with a comment, I'm game. I'll dizzy with statistics & realistic figures from MY JOB in the industry. But in the end, if you don't like it, it's not my friggin' problem. So there. (And yeah, there's some irony in what I'm saying & how I'm saying it...I get that.)

I'm getting DAMN sick of hearing all these people rant & rave about this stupid health reform. I'm getting REALLY DAMN sick of hearing so many people throw the religion card into it. They (note: "they" in this case includes everyone from the bleeding-heart Lib Christians, to the stone-throwing Atheists in their glass houses, & everyone in between that's bitching along that line) keep saying how "UnChristian" it is to not support health care. How a culture that's supposed to "love & support" one another doesn't support this health reform.

Yeah, it's pissing me off - as someone who has considered myself a Christian my entire life - I dig the Big G and the Big J & just about everything they stood for, said & represented. I give when I can (though maybe not everything that I can at every opportunity), I try to live Right & I know who's got my back at the end of the day. I may not go to the House every day, or walk the Walk every moment & I may represent myself a bit differently than some others. I believe the big Guys represented & instilled upon us free will for a reason - we make choices to do what we want (& likewise make the mistakes we need to in order to get where we're going at the end of the big show). I talk with my Leaders on a pretty routine basis, when it's good & when it's bad. So don't you DARE criticize me & my beliefs (nay, what I stand for with my life and with who I am) for something at stupid as my position on a governmental policy. Lest it be my position on a policy that directly affects my personal future in manners as broad-reaching as career, family, finance & health. Yeah, you're damn right I have things to say.

A - There's a little thing that says church and state are supposed to be separate. This is policy. Jesus doesn't live in the rotunda or either chamber (though we still trust Him).
B - People also can't be denied treatment due to insurance status (or immigrant status) in emergency situations.
C - There's a vast difference between health care & health insurance. Health care = doctors/hospitals. Health insurance = companies, risk avoidance & preventive policy. (THIS IS WHAT THE HELL I THINK MOST PEOPLE AREN'T REALIZING, NOR ARE THEY WILLING TO PUT IN THE EFFORT TO UNDERSTAND SO THEY DON'T SOUND LIKE MORONS WHEN THEY'RE BITCHING HEEDLESSLY TO THOSE WHO ARE SOMEWHAT POWERLESS TO MAKE THEIR PEOPLE LOVE ONE ANOTHER...but I digress)

If a doctor is unwilling to treat someone due to a lack of insurance, that doctor is legitimately concerned about that person's ability to pay for the service (&/or maintain their health). Whether that person has insurance or not & whether insurance will pay or not are equal factors in that physician's stance. It comes down to the cost of treatment.

Many rich don't have insurance = they pay outright to mitigate their own costs & risk. They bet on themselves to stay healthy vs paying the premiums in case they get sick. So who, exactly, is unChristian here?? Is it the insurance company making a sound business decision using actuarial tables to mitigate their risk (because they are looking at numbers - people are numbers in business, they aren't people & this is business - that may be inhuman, but that relieves it from the realm of being UnChristian) or the doctor denying coverage because somone is incapable of paying for their services?

Why isn't there mutiny towards the water & power companies - they shut off service if people don't pay for it. Where's the Christianity & warm-fuzzies in that?

And the atheists? Where the hell do you get off throwing stones at MY house? Saying I don't believe what MY God was preaching & what MY God laid down as the rules? YOU DON"T EVEN BELIEVE IN MY GOD!!! Lest ye throw stones at my glass house - I hope it bounces. Hypocritical bastards, you don't even know what you believe except that you believe in nothing!

I love people, I love human nature in it's simplest form. God created big & small (through a creationary process - sorry G - I've got to give something to science here...we'll compromise?) - the Lion & the Lamb. He created the process by which the bigger, faster lion catches the weaker water buffalo (pick a prey...). He created capitalism in the animal kingdom, why the crap wouldn't that apply to humans & everything else He has led us to as well? The faster, smarter hunter got the kill & fed HIS tribe - his family. He didn't go over the river & feed the other tribes competing for the same meat, too. God created us, we have created what we have become.

I run 3x a week, swim 2x a week and try to ride my bike in there, too. I play softball, try to eat somewhat healthy foods & try to live my life by Right & Just standards. Until you (be you Christian, atheist, Buddhist, Jewish, etc.) are doing as much as me to maintain your health & your career & your lifestyle, YOU DON'T GET WHAT'S MINE. I'm sure as shit not willing to pay for your obesity surgery, your irresponsible kid's abortion (though I believe in her right to get one), your drug-addled cousin's methodone OR YOUR FRIGGIN MORTGAGE.


1 comment:

Brittaney said...

Is there a "Like" button to hit?

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