Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day
Vacation Fun

April 10, 2009

My Morning Pooch...

Totally not related to training or racing, but a hilarious observation about my life. First, my dogs shed - A LOT. This is disgusting to Dan. It's not very appealing to me, but it comes with the dogs and they DO appeal to me. It's getting a bit warmer now and they're starting to drop some of their winter coats. Given that they're also FILTHY, it's quite the combo of ickiness in and around my house right now. I smell a spring cleaning day where things get quite destroyed in the ultimate goal of getting better.

Second - I have opposite personalities in my opposite dogs. Monty - Mr. Know-It-All will stay in bed as long as I am, he won't make a noise about getting up and getting out, but once I'm up and moving around, he moves around too. He'll grab his ball and push it around the room a bit, look out the window, "check" on me in the bathroom, and basically just let me know he's ready when I'm ready. He's fairly chipper and awake as soon as I'm up. This is maybe the ONE time of day he allows Vivi - if she's up and moving - to get near him or bump into him w/o threatening to rip her head off. Vivi, on the other hand - Ms. Lazy-Butt, will stay in bed as long as possible. Not only will she not make a noise about getting up, she doesn't move if she doesn't have to. I get up, move around, shower, get dressed, whatever - she's not moving unless I bump into her or start putting on my shoes. She'll open one eye, curl into a tighter ball and go back to sleep. Further, when she DOES wake up, she's clearly groggy and slow-moving (the ONLY time she's slow-moving) and just wants to cuddle and lay around. It's absolutely hilarious - she's SOOOOOO not a morning-doggy. When we come in at night it's basically the same thing - only it's Monty who's grumpy. And he's not grumpy in a very nice and cuddly way - he's just an ass. He takes his time getting situated and just-so before he falls asleep, she heads straight in, hits her bed however and is out within a minute or two.

It's very funny how they have very funny, very separate personalities that are so definitive. And that hair thing? Yeah, he's pretty contained to his bed, she tends to splay all over the floor during the night and as a result I have a fan-shaped aura of black/grey on the carpet where she lays. Maybe his fur just blends into the carpet? Either way, it's absolutely disgusting and I have to vacuum my bedroom once every few days.

Dogs are work.

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