Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day
Vacation Fun

December 9, 2009

In which we realize we don't like hamsters....

NC and I went to a spin class at the gym tonight. First one we've been to at this gym...a year of membership. I'm biased, I was friends with and appreciated the instructors at the old gym. They understood I wasn't necessarily there to do their thing (standing sprints? Pssht. "Jumps" Yeah, right. "Hovering" When do I hover in a tri?) and were fairly content to leave me alone to do my thing in the back of the room. Sure, I'll climb a bit and I may throw in a sprint or two. But I'm going to set up the bike as close to my own position as I can, and I'm going to chill in the "aero" (as close as one can get when A)not really on a bike, B) not really in any wind and C) without any little arm pads) for awhile. It's what I do when I'm really on my bike and that's why I'm here - because I can't get my butt outside on my real bike. I'm not here so people can see me and think I'm hot, I'm not there because I want my butt to look super-tight or my abs to rip. I'm not even there for a killer workout. I'm on your bike because I can't be on mine. This tends to annoy instructors when we're in their class not doing their thing. Sorry. See that tattoo? However shallow it sounds, it means I know what I'm doing on a bike. If you care to come ride with me outside, I'll respect your indoor chirping a bit more. Until then.....umm..yeah...let the soccer moms sprint and sweat.

So I think we annoyed her. She kind of annoyed me. The music wasn't the best, the workout wasn't the greatest. But it wasn't bad. She didn't specifically say anything to us, so that gives her some bonus points, too. How and why NC picked the bikes RIGHT in front of her I don't know. Alas....

1hr spin class, 25 minutes core work. Good, solid workout for tonight.

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