Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day
Vacation Fun

December 1, 2009

Back to Basics...

What I originally started the quest for and what it has become are so vastly different that I have surprised even myself. A quick recount of that (dumb) Iron-distance race and a way to keep track has become a quick-glimpse into the myriad of crap that goes through my head. Much of it is censored, because it can be found by a broad spectrum of people, but it is nonetheless very much me. One of my favorite evolutions of this thing was an in-depth tracking log for my stupid sports. As I'm trying desperately to get back into "me" and back to who I want to be I need to bring this aspect of it back as well. I log here and at RunningAhead, though this side of it tends to be more of the actual feeling and impact of the workouts vs. the technical aspects. I like noting that side of things as much as anything else. That said, and since I'm giving it an effort again...I shall continue my efforts of documenting my athletic stupidity.

The goal: to run a marathon on the last day of February. That's a short 13 weeks from last Sunday. That's a quick ramp-up by any standpoint - when considering that I've spent the past 3 months practically sedentary, it becomes almost mind-boggling to me. Worst-case training scenario (assuming everything falls into place for the race itself) I drop back and do the half. Alternate scenario: I spend a weekend hanging with friends and yelling my head off and helping to drive. Here's banking on residual fitness and quality of sleep.

I've proven that I can schlep around for a few months and pick up and go for a 5 mi run without too many problems. I can get back in the water and at least survive a tough workout. I can even do that a couple times. What I'm hoping will happen is that my body will quickly remember what this "athlete" thing is like and I'll snap back fairly quick. My intent right now is just to focus on swimming and running, since the snow and freezing temperatures don't make me want to go ride for a few hours. This will most likely be my focus through next summer as well, but I still intend to do some tris. I just want to take it easy and have fun, remembering why I do these things again.

So last night's workout: a low-key 3mi on the treadmill around 5.5-5.8mph (10:20-10:54). Then I actually lifted with Noah. what's that? Did the world just stop turning? Did AW really pick up a dumbell? Did 3 sets of 10 on knee extensions, leg curls, step-ups, calf raises, lat pull downs, low rows & bicep curls (2sets). I'm a puny little girl on most everything but lats, and I was a bit noodly-legged walking out. But it felt good and felt like a step in the right direction. I can do all of that on my own. The run felt pretty solid too, some slight wonkiness below my right knee in a really weird spot, but nothing too out of whack. Was playing with my turnover a bit and am hopeful that as the distance picks up and the ability comes back I can train back to a fairly high cadence.

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