Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day
Vacation Fun

October 5, 2009

Universe, please clarify....

Here's a conundrum of mine....why do people allow themselves to "settle"? Why do some people allow themselves to be treated poorly? Why do some people not stand up for themselves?

Do they have low expectations of themselves?
Do they not think themselves worthy of the best?
Do they not think they "deserve" something or someone better?

There's a generation or two - the 2 or 3 just older than me - that believe the greatest reward is to be had by just putting your head down and plowing through. They believed that hard work was it's own reward and you could get far enough just by doing that. Then, you should be happy with what you've accomplished. There wasn't necessarily anything wrong with shooting high, but you needed to be realistic and if you start from a good spot and just grind it out, then the result isn't bad. There wasn't a need to think outside the box and/or really lay it all on the line and shoot really high. You got where you were going by busting your ass.

From a work standpoint I get that. But at the same time, I'm capable of more and I know it. That makes me just dangerous enough to myself that I think I'm selling myself short if I don't "go big or go home". I have a good job, I can work hard and advance and just keep plowing through. But if I'm not doing what I think I'm meant to do then it's not good enough and at the end of the merry-go-round, I'm afraid I'll be sitting there asking myself what the hell I was waiting for or what I was afraid of.

From a relationship standpoint, why even bother with the drama? I understand that it shouldn't be ALL simple fun and games. But someone should never be afraid of someone, you should never have to think about what they'll do to you - FOR ANY REASON (unless it's in a good way). There's got to be some intrinsic flaw within ourselves that makes us think we deserve being treated like hell. I don't really have that flaw...I mean, sure, my relationship isn't perfect. I could be treated like a Princess and have the world handed to me, but I don't want that. I like it not being perfect. I like having to work for it a little bit - on both sides. My Prince Charming has dirty fingernails, and maybe a few guns, and yeah maybe he's lacking on the charm sometimes. At least my current Prince Charming does/is...but I will NEVER be afraid for my safety with him (or because of him).

Someone should never embarrass you. Someone should never make you feel uncomfortable. No one should ever make you feel unworthy. No one should ever have to wonder if they're good enough. No one should ever have to settle for anything.

My somewhat random thoughts for today...and no, I still haven't started working out again.

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