Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day
Vacation Fun

October 8, 2009

Struggling with a lot of crap. That about sums up most of it.

Had a blow-up last night and said some tough stuff to aforementioned elusive beast. It's tough to say the things that are uncomfortable, but should probably be said. Even if I was spitting mad (for reasons that aren't entirely in his control) it doesn't mean that there are certain crossroads and things that we need to deal with. I am a bit antsy about our relationship. I don't want to "just date" forever...but I sure as hell don't want to rush to get married, either. I just want to know that I matter. I want to be needed and loved, I may even need those things. I hate to be that person and I hate to say it - it goes against most of my stubborn and blatant independence (however well I may be actually faking that at least half the time) to say I need to be needed. I feel like I should want/need to make my own way, the rest of you be damned. If someone wants to join the journey, then that's great, as long as it's a compromise on terms.

Maybe not true. (still sorting out some of this as I go) I need to know I matter. I want to be priority sometimes. I want to be more important than other things sometimes. I have no problem with "guy time" (because I'm sure as crap going to take my own time on occasion, and expect no gritching) and I don't want to be smothered. It's a fine line. One I'm afraid I'm struggling with at the moment.

I get pushed away and I grasp and get angry. Even if I started the pushing first.
I said crap I don't know that I mean - like, I can walk away. I mean, I know I CAN live w/o you, but do I really WANT to? (I think the answer is no.)
I'm sick of hurting. Well yeah, but it shouldn't always be a cake-walk, and I'm self-inflicting some of this pain. I'm not to assume you aren't hurting.

Schedules are schedules....I don't expect to be numero uno (that would be boring, and unrealistic) but I would like some time. Demanding jobs and weird parents and car crashes and planned trips (that I forgot about) shouldn't cause me to go off the deep end.

I just don't know if I'm ready to give up. I don't want to start over again. He does make me happy. I laugh with him, I feel good with him, I feel smart and I get my intelligence challenged, too (at least sometimes). I'm comfortable and have a lot of time invested here. I guess we're at a crossroads and I'm sick of pushing and making both of us miserable. It's not who I want to be - and I realize I'm transferring some of the external stressors into this situation too - we both deserve to be happy.

I'm a wreck today, I know that much. I'm not sure that I want what could happen. But I'm not sure I'm in a position to say anything else - I'm not going to convince anyone, I'm not going to make anyone love me, I'm not going to beg. I'm kind of at a loss here, and showing weakness isn't really a strong suit. I just am a bit lost maybe, all the way around. I just want us to be happy. I'm happy when we spend time together.

Update: Some things are written on walls. Best to get off the horse when it dies. Love may be one thing. Happiness may be yet another. Putting the two together, right now, isn't working for either of us. It is what it is and we are who we are. No one can predict the future and who knows what circles of life bring. Because we haven't actually had the conversation doesn't make it any less a reality. Maybe it's because we haven't had the conversation that it makes it that much more a reality. Either way it's sad and it hurts. But that's good to know that things matter, people matter. It shouldn't all be fun and games. Again, maybe some day...but not today. It's because I love that I have to let go. If we were perfect we'd be boring. If life is meant to be lived, it is worth living happily. Maybe happily ever after has an "us" with him, maybe it doesn't. If I knew, I'd be making far more money than I am now. Here's to who we've been and what we may yet be.

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