Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day
Vacation Fun

December 18, 2008

Sore Throats & Early Mornings

Both of which are not my friend. Both of which have taken over my life this week. No workouts thus far, not really thinking I'm going to get any in, either. Here's hoping that as I head south for Christmas it get s a warmer and I get rid of the bug in my sinuses and catch one with my feet - to start running.

I think I'm waddling through what many people call the Post-Ironman blues. I'm just kind of feeling listless and restless. I want to workout, but am having a hard time drumming up the energy to do so. In my defense, work has been killing me. But I'm still just having motivation issues. I think about 2009 and am totally stoked about the schedule I've got mapped out thus far, but it's just not really making me get my ass off the couch.

I have, however, gotten up before 4:10am twice this week, gotten less than 6 hours of sleep twice, and been in bed at 7:30p once. So it's clearly not the typical week. The weekend holds the potential of skiing, bowling, dates, sushi, sleeping, cleaning and either getting sick or getting better.....I just have to make it through tomorrow's workday first.....maybe I can find a workout in there, too.

Marathon's in May....I can't schlep for too much longer.

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