Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day
Vacation Fun

December 15, 2008

Evaluating 2008

-What one word describes your 2008 season? Does it match what you said last December in anticipation of this year?
Epic. My season far exceeded any thoughts I had at the beginning of the year. I didn't plan on doing an IM-distance. I thought maybe Muncie, just to see "what if" at distance. I don't think I planned on doing much, really, and that's sad to me as I look back.

-What one word comes to mind when you think about your 2009 season?
Refinement. I came and I saw and I participated, but now I'd like to see if I can further explore some of the potential in the arenas I discovered this year. Like running, who knew I could enjoy it? Or the long-distance stuff. It becomes less about pushing your absolute pain threshhold and more about putting the investment in to ensure that your pain threshhold itself is already way up there - so you feel less pain in the long-term. I'd like to get my ass out of T2 on my own without shame pushing me.

-Did you race any new distance this year or try any new type of racing or sport?
Silverman - a category of it's own. Does it count as a new type of racing or an entirely new sport? Hail-dodging? Wind-fighting? Also got the first two HIM's in the books as well - Great Illini and Muncie.

-What was your greatest thrill or joy this year from training or racing?
Learning that I can overcome. I can keep running, and I can learn to enjoy running (kind of). I can do anything I put my mind to. The lightning, the thunder, hell even the hail...I can keep going. My biggest joy is that I can do it and still enjoy it...seeing the forest for the trees or whatnot. My greatest thrill had to be screaming down a Nevada hill at 45mph with water whipping off the rear wheel and the breathtaking scenery whizzing by (at top volume) and catching some decent air on the pavement buckles. Or zipping along the glass-smooth road at Muncie in the summer rain (pouring rain) and re-discovering what a sweet sound the rain on the cornfields make, or that it sizzles when it hits the high-voltage power lines. Getting closer to God on those days and appreciating the beauty of my chosen sport and celebrating my abilities.

Also: learning to race in my 2nd HIM. Learning that the risk/reward is only valuable when you push outside that comfort zone in running. It always feels good to cross the finish line but it feels even better knowing you have nothing more in the tank, you have nothing more to give and that you actually raced to outrun someone - and it actually friggin worked (whether she knew it or not).

-What was your biggest disappointment this year from training or racing?
Continually finding (being followed) by bad weather. Also see: greatest thrill/joy.

-What was your favorite race in 2008?
Silverman. An accomplishment, a day and a story that no one can ever undo or take away. Overcoming, enduring and living in the moment to enjoy the rainbow (literally) at the end of the storm at the top of the hill.

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