Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day
Vacation Fun

April 26, 2010

How do you know the weather's decent?

Because the blog postings get fewer & further between! (Either that or work goes totally INSANE. In this case, it happens to be both...so I'm trying to keep the "me" balance in check & make sure I get my time - away from a computer. I'm not doing a great job, but I'm surviving & there's an end to this insane schedule in sight.)

Spring flowers (& one of Vivi, just 'cause she's purty..), as promised over a week ago.....

This is the first year I've had tulips...well, multiple tulips, if you don't count the one that bleeping bunny has chewed off in years past.

This little guy just makes me happy...& more tulips!

This also makes me happy...morning dew + hostas...

These are the back hostas....this is mid-April! Holy cow...I'm going to have to divide most of these this year (again)....

Also the first year for some hyacinth...hoping it all comes back next spring!

The flox! I love the flox...it's a bit untamed though...

More to come...I'm having tons of fun with the little camera & the flowers!

1 comment:

Brittaney said...

So, can you come do some gardening in my yard? It looks like crap and I don't have the patience to deal with it!

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