Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day
Vacation Fun

March 10, 2009


New Fridge...it's HUGE. But it looks kinda snazzy.

Popped out a quick 2.3mi run in 24 minutes while waiting for the delivery guys. This, like Sunday's run, was into a howling wind for the first half, and wearing the most annoying running shorts I apparently own. My thighs, the running shorts and I almost had a brawl in the middle of 146th. I might as well just run in bikini bottoms...the same thing happens anyway...so in trying to get the shorts out of my crotch I wind up tweaking my knee every time...annoying. I could just stop eating, but that has problems of its own....(for all that might worry and have never seen me eat - I'm kidding)

After the fridge guys showed up and we put the house back together Noah and I headed down to la feet-ness (our hip French gym..) for a swim workout in the washing machine. I call it so because this little 3-lane pool has NO water circulation and the lane lines are sorta loose, so with both of us swimming in the middle lane, bashing the water off of the high pool walls it very closely simulates chlorinated open water. I'm pretty sure that when we're swimming with any effort, we nearly drown anyone else in the outside lanes that isn't a strong swimmer. And with no flags (no idea to tell when you're really getting close to the wall) it means I raise my head and swim all cattywompus anyway. So really I'm not kidding when I call it a little, elongated, chlorinated, washing machine that beats the crap out of us. All in the name of good training. Fairly quick little swim, no high pressure, just logging yards. (And I still secretly think that the pool's a tad short, too)

400 WU
200 K
8x50 K on 1:10 hard
16x25 on :40 free drill
Broken 1650 (275, 250, 225, 200, etc.) w/20 sec rest b/w until 150 - then 10 sec. b/w.
400 CD
3450 TOTAL

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